Archive for the ‘Music’ Category:

Toni Loimunevan uusi levy

Miten käy kansalaisten rakastaman rokkarin? Näkevätkö uudet kappaleet päivänvalon?

NYT SINÄ voit vaikuttaa tarinan kulkuun!

Jätä jälkesi historian kirjoihin!
Ole osa suomalaista musiikkiskeneä!

Tänä talouden epävarmana aikana – tee varma investointi ja kohdenna lahjoituksesi kautta suoraan artistille. Kaikki lahjoitukset käytetään ehdottomasti!

Archive for the ‘Music’ Category:

Toni Loimunevan uusi levy

J&J on energinen duo, joka on kiertänyt maamme keikkalavoja jo kymmenen vuoden ajan soittaen sekä omaa tuotantoaan että railakasta bilemusiikkia coverien voimin. Mihin tahansa meidät kutsutaankin, annamme takuun hyvistä juhlista ja iloisesta meiningistä!

Vuosi sitten annoimme itsellemme ja yleisöllemme lupauksen: Kun videopalvelu Youtubessa julkaisemiemme kappaleiden kuuntelukerrat ylittävät 200 000 latausta, on aika juhlistaa yhdessä yleisömme kanssa J&J:n kymmenenvuotista uraa ja tehdä bändin ensimmäinen pitkäsoitto.

“Köyhä laulaa” nimeä kantava levy julkaistaan elo-syyskuussa 2016. Se sisältää aiemmista julkaisuistamme parhaat palat täysin uusina versioina, sekä roppakaupalla uutta J&J -materiaalia.

Emme kuitenkaan onnistu hankkeessa yksin, vaan tarvitsemme myös teidän tukeanne!

Emme tietenkään pyydä teiltä rahaa ilman vastiketta. Tarjoamme sinulle erilaisia mahdollisuuksia tukemiseen. Voit ostaa “Köyhä laulaa”- levyä ennakkoon erilaisina paketteina. Levy toimitetaan kotiovellesi heti sen valmistuttua!

Mikäli rahoituksen minimisumma ei toteudu, saat rahasi takaisin.

Kiitos että olet mukana!
<3: J&J

Archive for the ‘Music’ Category:

Toni Loimunevan uusi levy

Mika tässä moi!
Ensimmäinen sooloalbumini Kuu ja maa valmistuu kovaa vauhtia ja se julkaistaan syksyllä 2016. Nyt tarvitsen kuitenkin teidän apuanne!
Olen työstänyt ensimmäistä kokopitkää albumiani syksystä 2015 alkaen tuottaja Janne Huttusen kanssa ja ensimmäinen single Kaikki on oolrait julkaistiin huhtikuussa 2015.

Oma levy on ollut haaveenani jo yli kymmenen vuotta, mutta se on jäänyt tekemättä koska biisit eivät ole olleet aiemmin riittävän hyviä. Mutta nyt kaikki osa-alueet ovat kunnossa ja Kuusta ja maasta tulee minun näköiseni kokonaisuus. Levyn toinen sinkku Kesäkuun aikaan julkaistiin 13.5.2016

Olen rahoittanut levynteon tähän asti omasta pussistani ja kuluja on kertynyt melkoisesti.
Koska en itse osaa soittaa tai vääntää soundeja, olen käyttänyt niiden tekemiseen ammattilaisia.
Nyt tarvitsen teidän apuanne hyvät mesenaatit, että saisin levyn julkaistua syksyllä mahdollisimman tyylikkäästi.
Teidän tuellanne maksetaan levyn julkaisemiseen liittyviä kuluja, levyn painatusta, tuottajanpalkkioita, masterointia, kansien suunnittelua sekä tehdä musiikkivideo. Minimisummalla levy saadaa julkaistua, maksimisummalla se voidaan tehdä kunnolla ja säästää paukkuja vielä markkinointiin.

Miten voi tukea levyä?

Tukenne ei ole tietenkään vastikkeetonta, vaan tältä sivulta voitte tilata ennakkoon levyn, paidan, liput mesenaattikeikalle tai minut kitaristin kanssa kahdestaan haluamaanne paikkaan Etelä-Suomessa.
Ja jos levynjulkaisu ei toteudu rahoituksen puutteesta, saatte luonnollisesti rahanne takaisin.


-Levyt toimitetaan postitse julkaisupäivänä tai seuraavana arkipäivänä riippuen postin toimitusvarmuudesta. Hinta sisältää postituskulut.
-Paidan hinta sisältää postikulut ja ne toimitetaan mesenaattikampanjan päätyttyä.
-Mesenaatti-ilta 15.9.2016 hoidetaan nimilista periaatteella. Saatte sähköpostitse lisätietoa lähempänä tilaisuuden alkua.

Archive for the ‘Music’ Category:

Toni Loimunevan uusi levy

Haluamme koota Maestran seitsemän vuoden kokemuksen ryhmälaulunopetuksesta oppikirjaksi ja digitaaliseksi oppimispaikaksi, jotta yhä useammalla olisi mahdollisuus kehittää taitojaan ja saada kokea Maestran sloganin mukaisesti Silkkaa laulamisen iloa! Kokemuksemme mukaan maailma on pullollaan ihmisiä, joilla on laulamisen paloa. He vain tarvitsevat tukea, rohkaisua ja koulutusta aloittaakseen lauluharrastuksen.

Tuotettava oppimateriaali on tarkoitettu ryhmälaulukoulutukseen sekä itseopiskeluun. Oppimateriaalia voi hyödyntää mm. musiikkiopistoissa, kansalaisopistoissa, kuoroissa, kouluissa ja seurakunnissa ryhmälaulunopetuksen toteuttamisessa. Yksi projektimme tärkeimmistä tavoitteista onkin laulukoulutuksen saavutettavuuden lisääntyminen ryhmäopetuksen muodossa.

Saavuttamalla minimitavoitteemme 10000 € saamme toteutettua oppikirjan. Mikäli saavutamme varsinaisen tavoitteemme 35000 €, saamme tuotettua myös digitaalista materiaalia oppimisen tueksi.

Oppimateriaalin sisällöstä ja projektin toteutumisesta vastaa Maestran perustaja, musiikin maisteri Jaana Turunen. Graafisen suunnittelun toteuttaa Piirre Collective ja digioppimispaikan Sensoftia Oy.

Tavoitteenamme on saada kirja ja, rahoituksen onnistuessa, siihen liittyvä digitaalinen oppimateriaali julkaistuksi kesään 2016 mennessä.

Archive for the ‘Music’ Category:

Toni Loimunevan uusi levy

Olemme tamperelainen rock yhtye joka on ollut toiminnassa vuodesta 2013 asti. Musiikkimme on saanut vaikutteita muunmuassa bändeiltä Alice In Chains, Black Sabbath, Guns n Roses, Velvet Revolver, Bring Me The Horizon, muutamia mainitakseni. Keikkoja olemme tehneet aktiivisesti aina alkumetreiltä lähtien tähän päivään, kohta saavuttaen 50. keikan rajapyykin.

Olemme julkaisseet yhden omakustanteisen EP:n “Beyond Story” aikaisemmin vuonna 2014-15 joka sisälsi kaiken kaikkiaan neljä kappaletta. Näistä neljästä yhdelle kuvasimme talkoo voimin videon ( ) joka saikin hyvää huomioita niin mediassa kuin muualla verkossa. Videota on tähän päivään mennessa katsottu reilut 7000 kertaa mikä on melko hyvin debyytti sinkulle. Lisäksi bändinä olemme olleet esillä muunmuassa Soundissa, Lempäälän-Vesilahden sanomissa, Tamperelaisessa, Koskissa lehdessä, Wave-100 TV kanavalla.

Nyt kevään aikana olemme olleet äännittämässä uusia kappaleita joita kaikenkaikkiaan tehtiin kolme kappaletta. Olemme panostaneet laatuun jo alkumetreilta asti ja siksi valitsimme parhaan mahdollisimman studion tämän tekemiseen hinnasta tinkimättä. EP on äännitetty legendaarisella Headline Studiolla Tampereella Jari Latomaan valvovan silmän alla. J. Latomaa on uransa aikana tuottanut mm. Uniklubia / Negativea / Lovex:ia sekä ollut tekemissä monien muiden Suomen kärkinimien kanssa aina Suvi Teräsniskasta Yö yhtyeeseen. Viimeistelyn EP:mme tekee Hiili Hiilesmaa kenen cv:stään puolestaan lyötyy mm. HIM ja The 69 Eyes. Haluamme että kappeleemme täyttää kaikki kansainväliset edellytykset ja kuullostaa parhaalle mahdolliselle.

Tavoitteena meillä on saavuttaa niin kansallista kuin kansainvälistä näkyvyyttä sekä menestystä. Bändinä pyrimme kaikin voimin eteenpäin ja tämä uusi EP on suuri panostus tavoitteidemme saavuttamiseksi.

Nyt tarvitsemme teidän apua hyvät mesenaatit! Haluamme että myös musiikkivideomme näyttää maailmanluokan tekeleeltä ja tähän tarvitsemme rahoitusta. Tämän päivän musiikkimaailma on hyvin kilpailtua siksi kaikkien palasien on oltava täydellistä. Videon avulla on mahdollista tavoittaa hyvin laaja yleisö sekä tätä kautta nostaa koko orkesterimme uusiin ulottuvuuksiin.

Musiikkivideon kustannus arvio on noin 1500-5000€ välillä. Olemme kysyneet tarjouksia usealta eritoimijalta. Mitä enemmän video tuotantoon on mahdollista panostaa sen parempi lopputulos syntyy. Kustannuksiin vaikuttavat tekijät ovat mm. palkatut näyttelijät, tilavuokra, laitteistovuokra (mm. lisävalot) sekä jälkieditointi / efektit.

Auta meitä toteuttamaan unelmamme! Kiitos.

Archive for the ‘Music’ Category:

Toni Loimunevan uusi levy

About Slim:

My name is Jarmo “Slim” Puhakka and I´m a blues guitarist, composer, lyricist and arranger. Born and raised in Finland´s Lapland, I picked up my first guitar at the tender age of 12. I´ve been fronting bands ever since, always leaning musically towards blues, soul, funk and rock.

Slim Butler

Slim Butler

New album Bad Intention:

My sophomore set, Bad Intention is a collection of ten original tunes. Breaking new ground sonically, I hope it will raise some hell and interest among blues community all over! A number of true veterans of the Lappish blues fraternity provided a solid backup to my highly personal songs. The icing on the cake are the venerable American singers, Tad Robinson from Indianapolis and Atlanta´s own Andrew Black, who lent their amazing singing chops to my project. All the tracks for the album are already recorded and in a post-production stage. With a little twiddling and fine-tuning with the knobs, album will be ready for printing.

ANDREW2 (640x595)

Andrew Black

Fundraiser Goal: 6000€

Minimum goal: 3500€

The listed minimum goal is 3,500€. By hitting this target goal, funds are used for mixing and mastering the album, artwork/packaging and mass duplication of cd-copies of the album.
The ultimate goal is to reach 6000€, which also enables printing vinyl copies (limited edition 500 copies) with beautiful, gatefold covers and heavy vinyl (please allow 3-6 months delivery times due to pressing plants queues)! And if for some reason this campaign falls short, you´ll receive your money back automatically.

Your contribution on this fundraising campaign is vital to the completion of my new album. With a little push from you guys, it will be released in July 2016.  Help me to reach this goal to share my music with the world. Your support matters and will be greatly appreciated!

Fundraiser Perks:

Slim-Support – 10€ support Finnish blues without perks

CD – 20€ pre-order Bad Intention-cd

CD – 49€ pre-order Bad Intention-cd + your name printed in cd´s liner notes

Vinyl – 29€ pre-order Bad Intention-vinyl

Slim-Pack – 49€ pre-order Bad Intention-cd + cool, black t-shirt w/ Slim-logo (only available w/ Slim-Pack), XS-XXL, sizes checked by email

Corporate-Slim 1. – 300€ ten (10) Bad Intention-cd´s + company name printed in cd´s liner notes

Corporate-Slim 2. – 800€ hundred (100) Bad Intention-cd´s + company name printed in cd´s liner notes and logo to my website

Please pick out your desired perk and contribute safely thru Holvi-bank, thank you! For vinyl pre-orders, campaign has to reach 6000€ mark.

All prices incl.  VAT 0%. International mailing included in all purchases! Signed copy available on request.

Tad Robinson

How I got here:

My debut album, Inner Blues, was released in 2012 and it was a huge success! The album was voted “The Best Blues Album Of The Year 2012” in Finland in two major polls. The readers and critics of the world´s oldest continuously published blues magazine, Finnish Blues News, appraised it. The listeners of YLE Radio Suomi´s weekly blues show “Bluesministeri” followed suit! Reviewers of a variety of blues publications the world over raved about the album in unison.

Just like Inner Blues cd, Bad Intention has that authentic sound and feel of an old recording. The new set of songs were again captured on tape using old analogue recording equipment in a rustic cottage, Villa Willamo in the Arctic Circle, Rovaniemi. How blue can you get?

Please share this on Facebook and other social media platforms. Get the word out to everyone you know who enjoys listening to blues, R&B, funk, soul, polka or any type of music, or is a supporter of the arts.

Best regards,

Jarmo ”Slim” Puhakka

Archive for the ‘Music’ Category:

Toni Loimunevan uusi levy

I became attached to the violin from early childhood. Since then the instrument has followed me everywhere, finally ending up being my profession and highest ambition. My work trips have passed through the Egyptian Revolution and North Korea; I have played at gipsy camp fires in Russia and composed music at the roots of the Great Pyramids. I have had a unique chance to get to know different people, instruments and new ways of musical expression from around the world. It is amazing how flexibly violin suits to every country and its culture!

My life as a violinist has been a turmoil with different music projects, competitions, recordings and trips. I have been producing music to Finnish Gymnastic Events (Helsinki Ice Hall YLE 2, Nordic Evening of Gymnaestrada 14th July 2015), and been exposed in media from the context of rock- and festival concerts, the latest big event being the 50-yrs anniversary Gala Concert of Jari Sillanpää at Helsinki Olympic Stadion in 2015. I have worked also with Tarja Turunen, Paleface and concert organist Kalevi Kiviniemi – violin goes hand in hand with rap, pop and classical music as well!

I am facing now a fascinating challenge of my debute album Magic Violin, which brings up my 35-year- long career as a violinist. Because of the vast range of my music experience, the album is divided in four separate sections, articulated as four main directions of compass. The pieces played in the release – covers, traditional tunes and original compositions – take their form and content from different corners of the world, offering a window to violin music from opposite geographical and cultural environments. I have worked on these pieces together with the great cinema music composer, rock singer and music producer Samuli Laiho.

Magic Violin tells my story blending sensuous, dynamic and spicy musical features into an exciting cocktail. I can’t wait to deliver this spectrum to You!


I have been carving these pieces of music into my album step by step, aside the rest of the production and performance work. Five out of seven pieces have been completed during 2012-15. I have mainly financed the production by myself, while hiring a team of top professionals to do the recording and guest instrument parts. Sometimes the pieces have been born out of a client’s demand, i.e. the medley Under The North Star, which was used in festival performances of a top team from Olari Gymnastics Association, having won seven World Championship gold medals.

Now it is the time to wrap up the sleeves and complete the album by producing and recording the 3 unfinished pieces, and also to complete all the tasks included in the complex process of a CD publication. However, for this effort I am going to need Your help, dear music lover! I am facing two intensive months of production (March-April), after which the album will be complete. The biggest upcoming expenses will include the studio rent, costs of mixing & mastering and the printing of the CD itself. The campaign will be crowned by a live concert for the publishing event, taking place in Cafe PIRITTA on 14th May, when You have the chance to experience the Magic Violin going live!


By taking part into financing of the Magic Violin, You will be the one who helps to bring publicity and existence for cross over violin music, a less known music genre in Finland. You will enabling the continuity of my life long work as a musician. I will consequently strive to offer people inspiration from the world of violin, highlighting the importance of handmade music and its great value as a hobby as well as a profession, for everybody’s delight and benefit.
By becoming my patron You will encourage me to believe that may I not only complete my album, but also proceed later into publishing a pedagogical opus of violin, representing young students the unlimited and fascinating potential of the violin!

Once it’s finished, my album will function as my visit card to the world, bringing more audiences and more invitations to perform at music festivals and events. Additionally, the profit from the CD sales will support my life as a musician and enable me to continue my vocation as a music performer, producer and pedagogue.


There are quality items available according to the amount of your donation.
By taking part into financing the campaign, You will receive the album OR any other product/product package to your home by post. You have an interesting selection of fan products to choose form, i.e. postcards, mug or T-shirt with campaign logos and pics. In case of a CD – purchase, You will receive it before the official release date! If You desire to donate a bigger sum, you’re entitled for a private performance for your event! In case the minimum financial goal is not reached and therefore the album release remains undone, your donation will be returned back to You.

With the minimum goal of donations I will get the album released, and with the maximum goal I would also be able to cover the main costs of the publication concert. If the campaign does really well and exceeds the maximum goal, I would be able to pay myself a salary for part of my working hours included in the course of production.


You may listen to the only song from the album already published in Spotify as a single: “Siks’ oon mä suruinen” and follow up the process of Magic Violin production at its Facebook-page or in the blog of my site, which offers more in-depth information and background stories of each and every piece in the album!

Archive for the ‘Music’ Category:

Toni Loimunevan uusi levy


I am Mikko Pettinen, a trumpet player, singer, keyboard player, composer and an arranger from Helsinki. I have been a professional musician for over 20 years and played in dozens of bands, orchestras and vocal groups like Umo Jazz Orchestra, Helsinki – Cotonou Ensemble, Higher Ground Vocals, MP4, Nat Newborn Big Time and Kerkko Koskinen Kollektiivi. About a million people heard me in The Voice Of Finland television show last year.

I have recorded three albums with my jazz quartet MP4, which won the 1st prize in the International jazz group competition in Getxo (Spain, 2002), and an acoustic duo album with an amazing guitarist Teemu Viinikainen. I have also won the 2nd prize in the Carmine Caruso International Jazz Trumpet Solo Competition in 2001 and played or sang on more than 100 albums (e.g. Redrama, Paleface, Mariska, Axl Smith, Higher Ground Movement, Kerkko Koskinen Kollektiivi, Asa, Anssi Kela, Antti Kleemola, Sandhja) over the years.

Still Happy – The Pasila Sessions

Mikko Pettinen & Happy People is my pride and joy, my own thing. I am the lead singer, keyboard player, trumpet soloist, composer and arranger of the band.

We have played about 20 gigs with Happy People and last year after a couple of very good festival gigs I had an idea to organize a studio live session with my band. I wanted to capture the energy and soulfulness of the live performance with a good studio quality sound. As a result we recorded 8 new tunes (7 originals of mine and my soulful rendition of the Ben E. King Classic Stand By Me) live in the studio in the Umo´s practice room in YLE´s (Finnish national radio) Radiotalo (Radiohouse) last autumn, companied by a small invited audience. At the same, all of the performances were filmed with professional video cameras.

I think we certainly managed to capture the magic on these sessions. The general atmosphere and the attitude between the musicians, the lightning guy, the sound engineer, the filming team and the live audience was truly wonderful!

A teaser from The Pasila sessions

We didn´t get any kind of grant for the session and there is no record companies involved; everything was organized by me for the love of music and for the passion and commitment I have for my music. Now I wish to publish this amazing material in a cd+dvd -package with your help. The campaign has three goals: the minimum goal is 3500 euros (cd), the medium goal is 5000 euroa (cd+dvd) and the maximum goal 8000 euros (cd+dvd+lp vinyl).

Happy People

Happy People 2015

The members of the Mikko Pettinen & Happy People are amazing musicians: great team players and extraordinary soloists. Happy People features a 4-piece horn section and a soulful vocal trio TriSis. On the Pasila sessions the original member of the TriSis, Jonnu Heikkilä, who also wrote the lyrics for 5 of the tunes, is replaced by an amazing Finnish soul singer Heini Ikonen.

“If our music will make you smile, we know our job is well done.”

– Happy People Theme (Everybody Get Up, written by Mikko Pettinen)

My compositions are combination of old school soul, funk, r&b, neosoul, jazz, gospel, pop and afrofunk and still have some Finnish ingredient on it. Some of my influences are Stevie Wonder, Tower Of Power, Earth, Wind & Fire, Steely Dan, Anthony Hamilton, Snarky Puppy and Jarrod Lawson.

Audiences´responses have always been enthusiastic and highly positive and supportive on our gigs. My debut album as a singer ”2Happy” has received dozens of very positive reviews and there are less than 100 copies of the cd-album left, but you can still get one as a campaign reward from here.

Mikko Pettinen & Happy People is:

Mikko Pettinen: lead vocals, Rhodes piano, keyboards, trumpet, flugelhorn
Janne Halonen: guitars, vocals
Sampo Tiittanen: bass
Jonatan Sarikoski: drums
William Suvanne: tenor saxophone, flute
Janne Toivonen: trumpet
Ilmari Pohjola: trombone
Timo Rantanen: baritone saxophone
Jepa Lambert: vocals
Heini Ikonen: vocals
Hanna-Maria Helenius: vocals, lead vocals with Mikko on Waiting (For My Change)

In addition to Live in Pasila session:

Markus Ketola: sound engineer, mixing, mastering
Heikki Kynsijärvi & Joni Laitinen: video production
Ville Pajala/DLS Entertainment: lightning design

The Goal

Our plan is to release all of the tunes as a cd and a dvd in the same package.

– If we will reach the minimum 3500€, we will release a cd

– If we will reach the medium goal 5000€, we can release a cd+dvd

– If we will reach the maximum goal 8000€, we will have enough money to pay for a promotion and release the music also as a vinyl and pay for the musicians who spent two very long days in the studio for free

Happy People

Why do we need the crowdfunding campaign for?

It is very hard, almost impossible to find a record company in Finland to release soul/funk music. The record companies release mostly commercial pop music in Finnish, yet Happy People’s music is not jazz enough for the small jazz labels (there aren´t too many of those either…). On the other hand, it is still too “pop” for the foundations that give grants for the art projects/releases. So my music is truly in the marginal and on the so called “grey area”. However, I believe that the most important thing about the development and the future of music is when the different styles and genres blend. That´s what happened in these sessions and I am really happy that we were able to do the sessions. I sincerely believe in my music and hope that it will make the world a little bit better place. Not to mention everyone wanted to do their best and even more at the sessions. So put on the good headphones, turn up the volume and listen to our videos and you´ll understand what I mean…

I truly believe that these sessions deserve to be released.

You can participate in a various ways:

1. You can preorder my cd for 20€ or the cd+dvd for 25€ with or without my autograph*
2. You can buy my 2Happy cd for 15€
3. You can preorder my cd or cd+dvd and get your name or your company´s name on the special thanks list on the cd and the dvd for 40€*
4. You can have your company´s logo printed on the cd+dvd package and on my website for 400€
5. You can order me to have a private gig at your party or at your house for 500€ (plus the travel expenses)
6. You can order my 5-piece Happy People Combo for the private gig for 2000€ (plus travel expenses)

* if we reach the minimum goal but not the medium goal, we’ll refund you the 5 euros difference

“Smoke smoke smoking!!!!!!!!!!!Please don’t call the firemen,Don’t dare to put water on this fire. Let it BURN, BURN ,BURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
-a YouTube comment for the video “Happy People Theme (Everybody Get Up)

Thank you for helping me to fulfill my dream and supporting new Finnish music.

Mikko Pettinen

Archive for the ‘Music’ Category:

Toni Loimunevan uusi levy

We’re organizing an all-day festival-like cultural event in the atmospheric and traditional venue of TVO  (Turku). The event has been organized by the same group in 2002 and 2003 and now it’s time to get up to date with the 2016 version. There has been a tradition of all-around hip hop happenings going on in the city of Turku since Mok Jamz Hopstravaganza in 1993 – and yes, part of the Freshcode team was involved back then.

The event will be focusing on hip hop culture and there will be music (live/dj/mc), graffiti/street-art (live), workshops (graffiti, rap, electric boogie/popping) and an art-exhibition showcasing the works and life of the passed away Turku based graffiti-artist known by the name UGH. The event is divided into two sections: Daytime event (Free entry, no age limit, 14-19 hours) and Night event (entry fee, age limit:18,  only 100 tickets available, 21-02 hours)

We’d like to highlight the event as positive happening with good vibes, positivity and working together. The aim is to bring people from different backgrounds and ages together and increase unity and interaction between people who are interested in hip hop culture.

The performing artist are some of the best in the country – some have gained international recognition. We’ll be showcasing both older, experienced talents as well as fresh new artist in all areas. The workshops will be open for the audience to participate.

The Association in the works

The aim of the Freshcode Unity Jam -event is to raise funds to build a non-profit association. The association is going to support cultural activities and share information

focusing mainly on hip hop culture (in all it’s forms) in the city of Turku.

We’re aiming to cherish the traditions and roots  of hip hop culture – as well as develop it further. We want to increase unity among people interested in hip hop culture, support and motivate artists and organize more events.

Members of the association will have the ability to help planning future events and take part in other actions of the association. Members also will have a fair discount to all future events organized by the association.

Here are some of the things that we apply funding for:

Founding and registering the association 150€

Materials for the workshops in the event 200€

Travel & food costs for the artist 350€

Materials for the UGH 1975-2013 -exhibition 200€

Materials to build a wall for graffiti 300€

Art supplies for the performing artists 300€

The effect of funding campaign to our plans:

Minimum goal: We’ll be able to organize the event and get the association up and running / registered

Full goal: The association can start planning future events and actions right away

Both the event and the association are organized by Mikko Lehtonen (DJ Low De Rok) and Juho Toiskallio – both have been active in Turku hip hop scene for a long time.

We’re hoping that everyone interested will support us to achieve these goals and join in to work together for the culture!

Archive for the ‘Music’ Category:

Toni Loimunevan uusi levy

Heartwards is the debut album of the progressive rock band Order of the Living. The album was produced for many years and now it is finally ready. Jyväskylä-based independent record label Luova Records took the album under their wing and pressed a cd for promotion.

Our dream is to release Heartwards as a high-quality 12” vinyl LP. This campaign is built to support that aim. Also this campaign helps Luova Records to access their potential through financial support.

Heartwards is composed for the the vinyl format. Composer Jari-Matti Nurminen began the work for the album in December 2010. The album was given it’s final touches in the summer of 2015.

The vinyl format has been brought into the actual structure of the music. The first two tracks form the first half of the album. The second track “Heartwards” ends harmonically to the opening bass line of the first track “Language Hive”. The opening song of the secong half “Transformation” begins with a guitar line that takes it’s rhythm from the final passages of “Heartwards”, but the harmony is now transformed. This planned detail in the musical structure is in deep connection to the general concept of the album. The album projects a process of transformation; a change of state toward a more conscious way of being a human being.

Order of the Living is about to activate as a live group as well. Tickets to the concert are sold exclusively in this campaign. The concert will be held at the Pekka Ervast -temple in Jyväskylä. Few songs from the debut will be heard in the concert but the direction is towards new musical dimensions.

Order of the Living has been previously performing the classic minimalistic piece “In C” (1964) by Terry Riley. New material combines influences from this experience with elements from 80’s progressive rock, kosmische music and from more recent waves. The concert will be a fresh combination of meditativity, top-notch musicianship and catchy pop elements.

Support our journey and help us make this dream come true!

There are many interesting possibilities in the rewards section, through which you can find yourself delving into unique musical experiences. By supporting this campaign you support a generation of new artists who take their work kindly serious.
