Tue lapsena seksuaalisen hyväksikäytön ja kaltoinkohtelun kohteeksi joutuneita

Lapsena koettu seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö tai kaltoinkohtelu vaikuttaa uhrin koko loppuelämään monin tavoin haitallisesti.
Kerättävillä varoilla järjestetään ryhmätoimintaa lapsena seksuaalisen hyväksikäytön tai kaltoinkohtelun kohteeksi joutuneille.

Keräysluvan numero POL-2015-5062

From Scotland new thing for Tuisku

Pirita has worked in the field of dance for eleven years. For the past five years she has focused her work more and more to make dance and teach dance. Pirita has made dance productions with dance enthusiasts and with professional groups in the Oulu region, as well as build up her own dance school Cross Move Company.
She has studied a dance teaching in the Oulu University of Applied Sciences and additionally in exchange for the Netherlands Fontys Academy  dance theater and modern dance.
With the support of  funders, she completes the international cooperation process that has already begun. Often the north professional  dancers and teachers leave from north part of Finland and work in Helsinki Metropolitan Area, since the Northern possibilities perceived as very limited. Short stay in Edinburgh in 2015 on the residency period and Norwegian dance artists seminar in Pirita realized that one possibility to keep the dance artists in their hometowns have international contacts and co-operation. Now her main work plan is to increase international contacts and thus develop their own skills and job opportunities.
Pirita will be living in Edinburgh as well as working to visit the contacts from the countries. The objective is to create a network of international dance artist and at the same time to complete a new dance work Drow. After the trip to Pirita will held open sharing of the year.


Three to five dancers bring to the stage the loss of people’s personal experiences: the loss of a friend’s disease, a change in a circle of friends, as well as example of the ability of one or the loss of the learned. How do people get lost in the midst of all the change on strong emotions and as if the loss of self. How does all this affect us?
The work performers are professionals, as well as street dance and contemporary dancers. We market works actively also the for festivals. We aim at working group presentations every artist at home.
Choreographer Pirita Tuisku began work in Edinburgh in June 2015 in her residence. The first two days she went around the city and did interviews, which received a total of 25 pieces age distribution 18-60 v., among both men and women. Through interviews collected data on human experience of life and feelings of loss and change in the middle of a situation when someone falls ill in the nearby district, sleeping or out to change the other side of the world. This interview material is also used in the work.
Drown combined:
* International co-operation between the dance artists in Finland, Sweden and the UK, as well as lighting and sound designers.
* Work movement language combined with street dance and contemporary dance.
* The work deals with loss, grief, re-learning from a variety of angles.
* The work combines the experience gathered through interviews with the life and feelings and interprets them as well as contemporary dance and street dance.
Study trip to Scotland imposes cost and travel and living in Edinburgh. Part of the costs may be covered through their work of teaching, but the teaching of all the expenses are not covered. And not teaching full time makes no sense for the simple reason that the preparatory work, the creation of contacts and your own learning takes a lot of time. The goal is to raise at least EUR 3 000 and the total target for the whole year is 12 000.
Upon completion of her project Pirita will arrange the following rewards to the funders:
Gold level funders will be offered a private lesson! Pirita will give a group or one person a subject list of the themes, where they can choose the issues that will be explored in dance and aerial yoga. PLEASE NOTE THAT PIRITA can also come outside Oulu region!
Silver level funders are invited to a Schottish-themed event in OULU, including highland delicacies, music, dance, a photo trip to Scotland, as well as a wonderful time together. Impro-shaped dance jam, which attendees can participate, or just watch, will also take place.
Bronze patrons are sent t-shirts with themes referring to the study. Wonderful pictures of life combined with an aphorism.



Kitkerät Neitsyet on yhdeksänhenkinen, huikeaa kulttimainetta nauttiva kabareemusiikkiyhtye, jonka ominaispiirteisiin kuuluvat satiiriset, yhteiskunnallisesti kantaaottavat sanoitukset sekä suvereenisti lajityypistä toiseen hyppelehtivä musiikki.

“Jos nainen ei saa kunnon panoa, hän voi alkaa kiinnostua yhteiskunnasta” – Feministirock

Kitkerien Neitsyiden 20-vuotisjuhlajulkaisu on kokoelmalevy, jolla on sekä suosituimpia klassikkopoimintoja Kitkerien aiemmasta tuotannosta että AIVAN UUTTA JA TUORETTA BIISIMATERIAALIA!

“Innovoikaa! Älkää itkekö, innovoikaa! Kun en tunne yhtään köyhää, en nää kurjistamisessa minkäänlaista ongelmaa!” – Setä on nyt vihainen
Uusissa kappaleissa yhtye jatkaa tutulla, humoristisen kulmikkaalla linjallaan. Jo biisien nimistä voi päätellä, ettei kitkerä kynä ole tylsynyt: tuoretta tuotantoa edustavat mm. letkeä lattaribiisi “Setä on nyt vihainen”, aor-balladimaisen riipivillä sävyillä leikittelevä “Lapsiperhe myrkyttää aina” sekä luottamushenkilön opportunismille iloisesti irvaileva “Poliittinen broileri”. Budjetin salliessa levylle päätyy myös sosiaalisen median viehkoimpia piirteitä erittelevä “#” sekä taannoisessa uusien yhteiskunnallisten laulujen kilpailussa menestynyt “Muurahainen eli sovelluksen käytettävyys, suorituskyky ja elinkaari (optimoitu)”.

“Kun lapsiperhe tulee luoksesi kylään / se lähtiessään jättää taakseen hävitetyn maan / viinilasinsirpaleet ja mattoon littautuneen perunan / ja kahden päivän päästä alkavan kauhean vatsataudin” – Lapsiperhe myrkyttää aina

Kitkerien sanoituksista vastaa Vappu Rossi, joka on myös yksi yhtyeen neljästä laulajasta. Sävellystyöhön osallistuvat Rossin lisäksi mm. basisti Kai Herdin, saksofonisti Juha Nurmi ja pianisti Antti Mattila, sovitukset syntyvät koko bändin monialaisena ja -mutkaisena yhteistyönä.

“Pikkuhiljaa tämä muuttuu ikiliikkujaksi / ja sitten minä kutsun tätä demokratiaksi / ja kuin broileri kovenevan paineen alla / puolustaudun lajitovereita nokkimalla” – Poliittinen broileri

Kitkerät Neitsyet on julkaissut kolme albumia: Paras pysyä kotona (2003), Todellisen menestyksen salaisuus (2005) sekä En vielä tahtoisi nöyrtyä (2012). Kaikki aiemmat albumit ovat kuultavissa mm. Spotify-suoratoistopalvelussa.

Lisätietoa yhtyeestä www.kitkeratneitsyet.fi, https://www.facebook.com/KitkeratNeitsyet/

Yhtyeen materiaaliin voit tutustua lisäksi mm. Youtubessa:
– musiikkivideokilpailuissa ja -äänestyksissä suosiota niittänyt, Pete Veijalaisen ohjaama Hei poika -musiikkivideo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5hd2IUWU0s
– keikkataltiointeja 15-vuotisjuhlakonsertista:
Tango pecunia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6QFwazqpZI&nohtml5=False
Viime kesän hittibiisi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mnoq0K-bY2E&nohtml5=False
Laulu ritari Pertistä: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MG3tAed3gEc&nohtml5=False

“Täytyy sosiologeillakin olla matskua tutkimuksiin, kunhan se matsku ei vaan muuta meidän naapuriin” – Tango Pecunia

Kitkerien ensimmäinen levy on ollut loppuunmyyty jo kymmenisen vuotta ja uusintapainosta on kiivaasti kyselty. Albumin lauluntekstejä on siteerattu niin naisliikkeen historiaa ja nykyisiä virtauksia valottavassa museonäyttelyssä kuin presidentti Halosen ensimmäisestä presidenttivuodesta kertovassa kirjassa. Nyt ykköslevyn parhaita paloja noukitaan kuultavaksi kokoelmalevylle – muutamat niistä uudelleen sovitettuna! Osa biiseistä onkin ajankohtaisempia kuin syntyhetkellään.

Yhtye on sitkeä kuin rikkaruoho, kukkii harvoin mutta on vaikeasti kitkettävissä. Ironiset, ajankohtaisiin yhteiskunnallisiin, poliittisiin ja eksistentialistisiin kysymyksiin pureutuvat lyriikat ovat saaneet pikku hiljaa yhä laajemman yleisön. Vaikka Kitkerät toimii täysin independent-pohjalta, on se miltei 20-vuotisen taipaleensa aikana kiertänyt kaikki Suomen keskeisimmät soittolavat ja esiintynyt myös useilla festareilla.

Auta Kitkerien 20-vuotisjuhlajulkaisua näkemään päivänvalo!
Lähde tukemaan tätä pienimuotoista mutta merkittävää toimijaa!

“Pystyn kaikkeen, multitasking, aikataulu laatikaa / antaa aivokurkiaisen poksahtaa!” – Muurahainen eli sovelluksen käytettävyys, suorituskyky ja elinkaari (optimoitu)
Mikäli saavutamme kampanjallamme minimitavoitteen 3000 €, julkaisemme digitallenteen. Välitavoitteen 5000 € saavutettuamme pystymme julkaisemaan CD:n, välitavoite 7000 € mahdollistaa LP:n ja maksimitavoite 14 000 € musiikkivideon julkaisemisen.

Tarkempia tietoja kampanjan lahjoitusvarojen käytöstä:

Lahjoitusten ylittäessä kampanjaselosteessa mainitut summat on periaate rahojen käyttöön seuraava:
– yhtyeen on mahdollista ottaa levylle useampia kappaleita
– yhtyeen on mahdollista käyttää kappaleiden tekoon enemmän studioaikaa (äänitykset, miksaus, lisäsoittimet) eli lopputulos on laadullisesti hiotumpi ja rikkaampi
– yhtyeen on mahdollista tehdä cd:n kansilehtisestä useampisivuinen ja siihen on mahdollista sisällyttää enemmän kuvamateriaalia
– yhtyeen on mahdollista ottaa levylle vierailevia muusikoita (esimerkiksi torvet, jouset)
Kaikki lahjoitukset käytetään levyn tai musiikkivideon etc. levyyn liittyvän materiaalin julkaisukustannusten tukemiseen. Mikäli lahjoituksia tulee hulppean avokätisesti, on yhtyeen mainittujen seikkojen lisäksi mahdollista käyttää rahoja markkinointiin, promovalokuviin, julisteisiin tai muihin vastaaviin levyn julkaisemiseen liittyviin kuluihin.

Kylmää kiveä DVD


Curses echo at the Nummi crag when 15-year-old Pamu Hammer takes a long fall off the hardest route in Finland. ”You have to keep trying till your fingers bleed. You can curse, but you have to stay focused. You can’t get upset if it doesn’t go well.”

Cold Rock is a documentary film about a life style sport with deep roots. Up until the past few years, however,  it has been virtually unknown to the wider public. Finnish climbing began in 1954, but the diverse history of the sport has not previously been recorded in any form. At the moment climbing is one of the fastest growing individual sports in the country. Numerous recently opened indoor climbing gyms have resulted in tens of thousands of new aficionados, the most talented of which have become world touring professionals.

In the film we hear the stories of, among others, the first Finnish climber Matti A. Jokinen and the young talent Pamu Hammer. Matti’s story is as long as the story of Finnish climbing itself. It begins with a young man hitchhiking in Southern Europe and meanders through ground breaking climbing performances, serious injury, and finally to the present day, where Matti is seen at 81 years of age, still climbing. Pamu, on the other hand, started climbing in the 21st century, guided by his father. When his class mates focus on upcoming exams Pamu’s thoughts are at the crags. His main goal of the season is to climb ”Syncro”, the hardest route in Finland.

The voices of many other Finnish climbers from different decades are also heard in the film. This chain of climbers connecting Matti and Pamu forms the story of climbing in Finland. Cold Rock reveals the 60-year-old face of Finnish climbing: what kinds of stories and people does it involve? How has climbing become so popular in a country with no mountains?


Cold Rock has been screened in theaters and a shorter version has been aired on the Finnish national TV channel Yle TV2. Now it will also be available as a DVD, which includes the full length theater version (71 minutes) with optional English subtitles, as well as over an hour of exclusive extra material: deleted scenes, known and unknown routes, and new stories from the 60-year timeline.


Deleted scenes:

Kilpajuoksu Everestille (The race to Everest)

Boulderit kasvaa (The boulders are growing)

Palmurantojen mies (A man of palm trees)


Moi, mä oon Juha Saatsi! (Hello, I’m Juha Saatsi!)

Jääkiipeilyä Muikkulassa (Ice climbing in Muikkula)




Majavan paluu

MDMA Numminen

Finnish climbing stories:

Matin kanssa Taivaskalliolla (At Taivaskallio with Matti)


Päivä Lappnorin projektilla (A day at the Lappnor project)


In order to publish the DVD we need your help! The funds are meant to cover the cost of printing the DVDs, and the licensing fees for the music and archival film material. The minimum goal of 7000 euros will cover these costs, and the maximum goal of 10000 will guarantee a little something for the filmmakers!

The funding options are:

Basic package (20€) – The Cold Rock DVD

Support package 1 (30€) – A signed copy of the DVD, as well as the film and extras as a HD download.

Support package 2 (50€) – A signed DVD, your name in the credits plus the HD download package.

Deluxe package for a group of 10 (1000€) – We take the group bouldering for a day to a ”secret” location, and Blue Kangoo Films produces a video covering the events of the day. Details negotiable. Signed DVD and download included for everyone!

Stop veroparatiisipalveluille

Maailman suurin tietovuoto paljasti poliittisten päättäjien, rikkaiden yksityishenkilöiden ja yritysten kytkökset veroparatiiseihin. Miljardeja euroja on piilotettu verottajan ulottumattomiin Panaman ja Neitsytsaarten kaltaisiin verokeitaisiin.

Veroparatiisitaloutta tukevaa bisnestä pyöritetään aktiivisesti myös Suomesta käsin. Veronkierron ja aggressiivisen verosuunnittelun mahdollistavat pankit ja lukuisat muut palveluntarjoajat, joiden avulla rahat saadaan piilotettua veroparatiisiin kätevästi, vaikka omalla kotisohvalla istuen.

Meillä on aihetta epäillä, että Panama-vuodossa kärähtänyt pohjoismainen Nordea-pankki on vain jäävuoren huippu. Auta meitä selvittämään, mitkä Suomessa toimivat pankit ja muut yritykset avustavat ja neuvovat veronkiertäjiä ja verovälttelijöitä veroparatiisien käytössä.

jonka ensimmäisenä tavoitteena on:
− kartoittaa veroparatiisipalveluita tarjoavat pankit, lakitoimistot ja konsulttiyritykset.
− laatia kattavat suositukset veronkiertämisessä ja aggressiivisessa verosuunnittelussa palveluita tarjoavien tahojen toiminnan suitsimiseen.
Jos saamme kokoon yli 20 000 euroa, laajennamme hanketta ja laadimme selvityksen myös pankkien omasta aggressiivisesta verosuunnittelusta. Tutkimuksen tekeminen on mahdollista nyt kun luottolaitoslaki on vuodesta 2015 alkaen edellyttänyt pankeilta maakohtaista raportointivelvollisuutta.

Kaikessa tutkimustoiminnassamme noudatetaan eettistä ohjetta, johon voit tutustua verkkosivullamme.

Kun rahoitat veroparatiisitutkimustamme, lähetämme raportin sähköpostiisi heti sen ilmestymispäivänä. Voit lahjoittaa projektiin haluamasi summan (rahankeräyslupa: POL-2015-12668).

Levitä sanaa joukkorahoituskampanjasta työstämme kiinnostuneille ystävillesi. Yhdessä voimme varmistaa, että veroparatiisipalveluille saadaan stoppi.

Rally museum


Finns are known to be rally enthusiasts. We have more rally world champions than anywhere else in the world, and we organise a variety of traditional and prestigious competitions. The Mobilia automobile and road museum is the perfect home for a new Rally Museum; after all, rally is an exceptional discipline in the world of motorsports in which the drivers compete on the same roads that the general public uses to get home from work every day! Rally racing is truly the people’s sport, and that is why we believe that it deserves finally to have a museum of its own in Finland.

The legendary Simo Lampinen, four-time Finnish Rally Champion and three-time winner of the Jyväskylä Grand Prix, is patron of the Rally Museum.


Simo Lampinen at the wheel of a Saab in the 1970s


1. The different reward packages are described at the end of this page. Once you have decided on a suitable amount and reward package, select the equivalent package from the Finnish language packages on the right hand side of this page.

When placing the order, you will be asked for the name that you wish to appear in connection with the Rally Museum.

In case you need any assistance, we are happy to help you: just email us at petra.kotro@mobilia.fi

2. Make the payment using your preferred method. You will receive an order confirmation as well as instructions on how to redeem your rewards via email.

3. Tell your friends about the campaign, too! For example, share this page on Facebook or Twitter.

4. The Rally Museum opens to the public on 17 June 2016. Welcome!


Founding the Rally Museum is a big deal. Mobilia Automobile Village is a private museum run by the Mobilia Foundation. As a national specialised museum we receive funding from the government, but we finance a large part of our operations independently. In order to create a fine museum complex as we believe that rally folks deserve, we need your help. We don’t ask for donations. Instead, we aim to raise the necessary funds via presale of tickets and reward products, so that we can create and implement the exhibition to the planned extent. Of course, the more funds we raise, the better the overall result will be!


All sorts of things! We have designed a comprehensive cross-section of the history and greatest moments of the sport to be displayed at the Rally Museum. The Rally Museum will be founded within Mobilia in any case, but the implementation of the plan within the intended scope and schedule requires a successful crowdfunding campaign. By taking part in this campaign, you are helping to make the museum a top-notch experience from the opening day!

The plan of the future Rally Museum

The plan of the future Rally Museum

If we reach our minimum target of €30.000, the museum will let you see and experience at least:

The history of rally racing from the early 1900s up until the present day. We will present the beginnings of the sport from an international perspective, as well as the history of Finnish rally from the 1950s, when the first Rally Finland was held (then known as the Jyväskylä Grand Prix). In addition, we will describe the evolution of the rally car from the 1950s till the present day – not forgetting interesting titbits such as the infamous Group B.

The icons of rally. We spotlight the sport’s most iconic cars and Finnish drivers. We present cars such as the Ford Escort, the Mini Cooper S and the Audi, and drivers such as Timo Mäkinen, Rauno Aaltonen, Pauli Toivonen and Simo Lampinen, who were the first to be nicknamed the Flying Finns, thanks to their achievements in the 1960s.

Timo Mäkinen's original Mini Cooper S is the star attraction of the Rally Museum. Photo: KKS

Timo Mäkinen’s original Mini Cooper S is the star attraction of the Rally Museum. Photo: KKS

Rally racing in extreme conditions. Through the two extremes, we illustrate the variety of conditions in which rally races are organised. We present both the desert rallies and the winter rallies. We use the Arctic Lapland Rally and the Paris-Dakar Rally as examples.

Simo Lampinen, patron of the Rally Museum, also drove his Saab in winter rallies.

Simo Lampinen, patron of the Rally Museum, also drove his Saab in winter rallies.

Safety issues associated with rally. We will report on the accidents that have occurred in the sport, from the drivers’ as well as the spectators’ perspectives. At the same time, we describe the evolution of the various safety equipment.

Rally car competition servicing. Just a few decades ago the service and maintenance point for rally cars was simply a van parked in the woods. In the exhibition you can see what a service point used to look like!

The International Rally Hall of Fame. The Rally Hall of Fame, already located in Mobilia, will become part of the Rally Museum. New rally drivers and other persons who have had a great influence on rallying are inducted into the Rally Hall of Fame every year. We tell the life stories of the inductees and present a changing collection of the inductees’ cars, prizes, racing gear, seats and many more items that are guaranteed to catch the eye of every rally man and woman.

Walter Röhrl and Hannu Mikkola celebrated their induction into the Rally Hall of Fame in 2011.

Walter Röhrl and Hannu Mikkola celebrated their induction into the Rally Hall of Fame in 2011.

Juha Kankkunen was elected into the Rally Hall of Fame in 2015. The picture, signed by Mr Kankkunen, can be seen in the Rally Museum.

Juha Kankkunen was elected into the Rally Hall of Fame in 2015. The picture, signed by Mr Kankkunen, can be seen in the Rally Museum.

A new kind of rally simulator. For those with an appetite for speed, we offer a chance to experience the feeling of driving in a real rally car with a completely new kind of rally simulator! The rally simulator will be developed together with the University of Tampere.


The contents of the exhibition as described above will be implemented if we can reach €30.000, which is the minimum target of the campaign. But that’s not all! If the minimum target is exceeded, we can make the Rally Museum an even better experience!


If we can reach €50.000, we will purchase for the Rally Museum’s collection – and begin the restoration of – the Austin Atlantic that won the 1951 Jyväskylä Grand Prix. This car is an indivisible part of the Finnish rally history, and we want to give it a worthy forever home in the Rally Museum. This is possible if we can gather the required 50.000 Euros.

The Austin Atlantic that won the 1951 Jyväskylä Grand Prix. Photo: Scuderia Naftalin

The Austin Atlantic that won the 1951 Jyväskylä Grand Prix. Photo: Scuderia Naftalin


If we reach the overall target of €80.000, we will produce a Finnish-language book on the history of rally and rally cars in collaboration with Marko Mäkinen. Marko Mäkinen is a long-time journalist and photographer, whose stunning images of rally cars and racing throughout the years deserve to be gathered into a book. The book presents the most important cars of Finnish rally history and tells the history of the sport in Finland as well as abroad. The picture oriented book contains a feast for the eyes of every connoisseur. No true rally fan can miss out on this gem!

If we reach the overall target, we promise a numbered and signed copy of this book to every sponsor who redeems a reward package of at least 125 Euros. The sponsors who participate in the campaign by purchasing a reward package worth 15 to 50 Euros won’t be left empty-handed either! They get access to a digital online version of the book. This is a book you won’t want to miss, so make sure we reach the target and become a sponsor of the Rally Museum today!

Hannu Mikkola's Audi Quattro S1, Group B, model year 1985. Photo: Marko Mäkinen

Hannu Mikkola’s Audi Quattro S1, Group B, model year 1985. Photo: Marko Mäkinen


We guarantee that all of the crowdfunding revenues will go directly towards founding the Rally Museum, i.e. ensuring that Finnish rally folks get a museum worthy of their national sport. The proceeds will cover the costs of building the exhibition, content creation, acquiring the latest exhibition technology and restoring the vehicles intended for the exhibition. As additional targets are met, the income will be used to acquire a rally car that is undoubtedly one of the jewels of Finnish rally history, as well as produce a high-quality publication in collaboration with Marko Mäkinen.


Start 15 € (Lähtö)
An entrance ticket to the Rally museum and your name published on our website! When you buy the Start pacakage, you will get an entrance ticket to the Rally museum (valid for 1 year starting from 17.6.2016 ) and your name will be published in the supporters’ list on the website of the Rally museum.

Special stage 25 € (Pikataival)
Entrance ticket to the Rally museum, your name published on our website, a sticker and a magnet! The entrance ticket is valid for one year starting from 17.6.2016. In addition, you will get your name published in the supporters’ list on the Rally museum website plus a super cool Rally museum sticker and a magnet. The supporter products are available only for the Rally museum sponsors, and they cannot be purchased elsewhere.

Finish 50 € (Maali)
A family ticket to the Rally museum, your names published on our website, a sticker and a magnet. Take your whole family to the Rally museum! Entrance tickets to the Rally museum for two adults and all children under 18 years old are valid for one year starting from 17.6.2016. In addition, you will get your name published in the supporters’ list on the Rally museum website plus a super cool Rally museum sticker and a magnet. The supporter products are available only for the Rally museum sponsors, and they cannot be purchased elsewhere.

Front Car Driver 125 € (Etuautokuski)

A VIP card, an invitation to the Rally museum opening, your name featured on the supporters’ wall of the exhibition and published on the website, a sticker, a magnet and a cap. Your personal VIP card is valid for 3 years starting from 17.6.2016, and you can visit the museum every day if you like. You will also receive an invitation to the Rally museum opening on 16.6.2016 and to any VIP events arranged annually, where you can meet old champions and other rally figures. In addition, you will get your name featured on the supporters’ wall of the Rally museum and the supporters’ list published on the website. You also get a super cool Rally museum sticker, a magnet and a cap. The supporter products are available only for the Rally museum sponsors, and they cannot be purchased elsewhere.

Co-driver 500 € (Kartturi)

A VIP card, an invitation to the Rally museum opening, a personalized plate (20 x 40 cm) will be put on the supporters’ wall in the exhibition and your name published on the website, a magnet, a sticker and cap. Your personal VIP card is valid for 3 years starting from 17.6.2016, and you can visit the museum every day if you like! You will also receive an invitation to the Rally museum opening on 16.6.2016 and to any VIP events arranged annually, where you can meet old champions and other rally figures. You will get a personalized plate in our supporters’ wall in the Rally museum and your name published in the supporters’ list on the website. You also get a super cool Rally museum sticker, a magnet and a cap. The supporter products are available only for the Rally museum sponsors, and they cannot be purchased elsewhere. The Co-driver package suits well for small companies or rally enthusiasts.

Rally Team 750 € (Rallitiimi)
A special package for car sports clubs and rally teams! By purchasing the Rally team package, your club/Team will get a customized visit to the Rally museum (max. 20 persons, incl. entrance ticket), a personalized plate (20 x 40 cm) will be put on the supporters’ wall in the exhibition and your name published on the website. The private event includes guidance in the Rally museum and an option to use the museum premises for example for a meeting. The offer is valid for one year starting from the opening of the Rally museum (until 17.6.2017). In addition, you will get a Rally museum supporter diploma for your team/club.

Race Driver 1000 € (Kisakuski)

5 VIP cards, invitations to the Rally museum opening, a personalized plate (30 x 60 cm) will be put on the supporters’ wall in the exhibition and your name published on the website and 5 pcs of magnets, stickers and caps. Personal VIP-cards are valid for 3 years starting from 17.6.2016 you can visit the museum every day if you like! In addition, you will also receive an invitation to the Rally museum opening on 16.6.2016 and to any VIP events arranged annually, where you can meet old champions and other rally figures. You also get 5 pcs of super cool Rally museum magnets, stickers and caps. The supporter products are available only for the Rally museum sponsors, and they cannot be purchased elsewhere. The Race Driver package suits well for small companies.

Racing Team Manager 2500 € (Tallipäällikkö)

10 VIP cards, invitations to the Rally museum opening, a VIP event in the Rally museum premises, a personalized plate (40 x 80 cm) will be put on the supporters’ wall in the exhibition, your name published on the website and 10 pcs of magnets, stickers and caps. Personal VIP-cards are valid for 3 years starting from 17.6.2016 you can visit the museum every day if you like! In addition, you will also receive an invitation to the Rally museum opening on 16.6.2016 and to any VIP events arranged annually, where you can meet old champions and other rally figures. The private event includes guidance in the Rally museum and an option to use the museum premises for example for a meeting. The offer is valid for one year starting from the opening of the Rally museum (until 17.6.2017). In addition, you will get your name featured on the supporters’ wall of the Rally museum and published in the supporters’ list on the website. You also get 10 pcs of super cool Rally museum magnets, stickers and caps. The supporter products are available only for the Rally museum sponsors, and they cannot be purchased elsewhere. The Racing team package suits well for companies and rally teams.

Rally Manager 5000 € (Rallimanageri)

20 VIP cards, invitations to the Rally museum opening, a VIP event in the Rally museum premises (max. 20 persons), a personalized plate (50 x 100 cm) will be put on the supporters’ wall in the exhibition and your name published on the website, the logo of your company/community to the finish arch and 20 pcs of magnets, stickers and caps. By purchasing the Rally manager package, you will receive a VIP vard (valid for 3 years starting from 17.6.2016) for yourself and the staff or partners of your company (tot. 20 pcs). You can use your personal VIP card to enter the Rally museum every day if you like, an invitation to the Rally museum opening on 16.6.2016 and VIP events arranged annually, where you can meet old champions and other rally figures. In addition, you will get your personalized plate in our supporters’ wall of the Rally museum and your name will be published in the supporters’ list on the website. The private event includes the meeting rooms and guidance to the exhibition (max. 20 persons). You also get 20 pcs of super cool Rally museum magnets, stickers and caps. The supporter products are available only for the Rally museum sponsors, and they cannot be purchased elsewhere. The Rally manager package suits e.g. for companies led by a real star manager.

Race Winner 10.000 € (Kisavoittaja)
30 VIP cards, invitations to the Rally museum opening, a personalized plate (50 x 100 cm) in our supporters’ wall in the exhibition, a sponsor classic in the exhibiton, a VIP event in the Rally museum premises (max. 30 persons) and 30 pcs magnets, stickers and caps. By purchasing the Rally manager package, you will receive a VIP card (valid for 3 years starting from 17.6.2016) for yourself and the staff or partners of your company (tot. 30 pcs). You can use your personal VIP card to enter the Rally museum every day if you like, an invitation to the Rally museum opening on 16.6.2016 and VIP events arranged annually, where you can meet old champions and other rally figures. When you purchase the Race Winner package, a sponsored card will be nominated for you in the exhibition, a personalized plate will be put on the supporters’ wall of the Rally Museum and your name published in the supporters’ list on the website. The private event includes the meeting rooms and guidance to the exhibition (max. 30 persons). You also get 30 pcs of super cool Rally museum magnets, stickers and caps. The supporter products are available only for the Rally museum sponsors, and they cannot be purchased elsewhere. The Race winner package suits well for companies and private persons who have some clear winning potential!

Finnish Champion 25.000€ (Suomen mestari)

50 VIP cards, invitations to the Rally museum opening and customized coverage in the Rally museum, a VIP event in the Rally museum premises (max. 50 persons) and 50 pcs of magnets, stickers and caps. The personal VIP cards are valid for 3 years. You can use your personal VIP cards to enter the Rally museum every day if you like, an invitation to the Rally museum opening on 16.6.2016 and VIP events arranged annually, where you can meet old champions and other rally figures. The private event includes the meeting rooms and guidance to the exhibition (max. 50 persons). You also get 50 pcs of super cool Rally museum magnets, stickers and caps. The supporter products are available only for the Rally museum sponsors, and they cannot be purchased elsewhere. The Finnish champions’ packages are reserved for the nominated heroes. Do you have what it takes to be the Finnish champion?

The World Champion 50.000 € (Maailmanmestari)

There can be only one World Champion! You will receive 100 VIP cards and invitations to the Rally museum opening and a customized coverage for your company in the Rally Museum and the Mobilia’s Car village area. The personal VIP cards are valid for 3 years. You can use your personal VIP cards to enter the Rally museum every day if you like, you get an invitation to the Rally museum opening on 16.6.2016 and to VIP events arranged annually, where you can meet old champions and other rally figures. In addition, you can arrange a private event in the Rally museum premises (max. 100 persons, including the meeting rooms and guidance to the museum). You also get 100 pcs of super cool Rally museum magnets, stickers and caps. The supporter products are available only for the Rally museum sponsors, and they cannot be purchased elsewhere. There is only one World Champion package. Are you our World Champion?


The Mobilia Automobile Village is situated in a scenic location by Lake Längelmävesi, just 20 minutes from the city of Tampere. Mobilia has over 3000 m2 of exhibition space containing the Mobilia Classic cars exhibition and a yearly changing thematic exhibition as well as the Rally Museum. There’s something to do for the whole family in the Mobilia Automobile Village: in the summer, the kids can practice driving and the rules of the road in the Rahtarit Traffic Park, make sand cakes in the Hyvä kakku (“good cake”) sandpit, play in the playground or take a dip in the lake. The Mobilia café offers tasty snacks and treats and the museum shop has great gifts and souvenirs. Check out our services at www.mobilia.fi. Welcome, and enjoy your visit!

The Mobilia Automobile Village's Traffic Park is ideal for the little ones. Photo: KKS

The Mobilia Automobile Village’s Traffic Park is ideal for the little ones. Photo: KKS

The Mobilia Automobile Village is situated in a scenic location by the lake. Photo: Takatasku Oy

The Mobilia Automobile Village is situated in a scenic location by the lake. Photo: Takatasku Oy


Tervetuloa rakentamaan kanssani AGATAA – gluteenitonta leipomokahvilaa Helsingin keskustaan. AGATAN idea on valmistaa, myydä ja tarjoilla gluteenittomia konditoriatuotteita sekä ensiluokkaista, eettisen tarkkailun kestävää kahvia ja teetä. Lisäksi AGATASSA tullaan tarjoamaan mm. artesaanijäätelöä ja ihanaa lounasta, kuten täytettyjä gluteenittomia leipiä.
Stadilaista käsityötä
Leivonnaiset tehdään käsityönä ja kaikki AGATASSA myytävät herkut ovat paikan päällä valmistettuja.

Agataa on odotettu
AGATA on luonnonmukainen, läpinäkyvä, herkullinen ja luonnollisesti gluteeniton. Helsingin keskustassa ei ole toista gluteenitonta leipomokahvilaa. Silti gluteenittomien tuotteiden kysyntä on suurta ja hurjassa kasvussa: paitsi keliakiaa sairastavien ihmisten, myös muuten vehnää välttävien määrä on koko ajan lisääntynyt. Vehnätön vatsa voi hyvin!

Agata on kaikille
AGATA palvelee myös muita jälleenmyyjiä. Yhteistyö on tarkoitus käynnistää useiden ravintoloiden, ravintolaketjujen, elintarvikekauppojen ja leipomoiden kanssa. Yhteistyökumppanit odottavat innolla AGATAA – ja pian sen gluteenittomia herkkuja tullaan saamaan kaikkialta.

Agatan takana on Tiina
Olen Tiina Isohanni, idean äiti ja AGATAN perustaja. Olen tapahtumatuotannon ja -markkinoinnin ammattilainen ja pitkän linjan yrittäjä. Olen myös intohimoinen ravintola- ja kahvilakulttuurin harrastaja sekä itseoppinut leipuri. Olen leiponut kakkuja juhliin, kahviloille ja yhteisöille jo vuosia. Nyt aion ottaa ison askeleen ja tehdä toiminnastani ammattimaista.

Mahdollistamaan tätä pitkäaikaista unelmaani! Olen löytänyt ihanat toimitilat keskeiseltä paikalta Helsingin keskustasta. Tulet rakastamaan niitä! Tilat valmistuvat kevääksi 2016 ja ihme kyllä myös pankkini uskoo AGATAAN. Kaikkea ei kuitenkaan voi, eikä kannata rakentaa lainarahalla. Siksi Agataa rakennetaan myös minun ja ystävieni rahoituksella ja nyt tarvitsen vielä SINUN apuasi!
Gluteenittoman leipomon tilojen ja siellä käytettävien koneiden tulee olla upouusia, vain sillä voidaan varmistaa, että tuotteet tulevat olemaan turvallisesti 100% gluteenittomia. Tämä ei ole halpaa huvia ja potista puuttuu vielä 50.000 euroa, johon haen rahoittajiksi teitä. Minimitavoitteeni on 30.000 euroa – ilman sitä en uskalla tähän hankkeeseen ryhtyä.
Kun luit tämän ja kiitos jos tulet kanssani rakentamaan AGATAA. En pelkästään pyydä rahaa, vaan tarjoan sinulle nipun HERKULLISIA vastikkeita. Katso oikealla olevasta listasta ja valitse niistä itsellesi sopivin. Voit rahoittaa Visalla ja Masterilla sekä kaikkien suomalaisten verkkopankkien kautta. Mikäli rahoitat isommalla summalla tai rahoittajana on yrityksesi, niin pyydä minulta lasku. (sähköpostiosoite)
Jos et voi tai halua rahoittaa, autat silti minua HURJASTI jos jaat tätä linkkiä ja kerrot AGATASTA ystävillesi.
Tule myös seuraamaan AGATAN vaiheita Facebook -sivultani. Kerron siellä tarinaa AGATAN rakentumisesta.
AGATAN nettisivut aukeavat pian ja löydät ne täältä (linkki)
Luonnollista, gluteenitonta ja rakkautta,

Kahvila Spektaakkeli

Kahvila Spektaakkeli on pyörillä liikkuva pop-up-kahvila, joka järjestää puistokonsertteja, esityksiä ja elämyksiä kaikille ihmisille. Ennen kaikkea Kahvila Spektaakkeli on kahvila, jonka tavoitteena on arjen yläpuolelle nouseva palvelu.

Kahvilan pyörittämisestä vastaa Jarno Mannerhovi, joka on pitkänlinjan ravintola-alan ammattilainen. Historiaa ja kokemusta alalta on karttunut 20 vuoden ajalta, joten kosketus palveluun ja laatuun on vuosien saatossa hioutunut ensiluokkaiseksi, asiakkaiden viihdyttämistä unohtamatta.

Pop-up-Kahvila Spektaakkeli tuottaa catering-palveluita, joiden ohessa voi järjestää esityksiä, tapahtumia puistoissa, rannoilla ja vaikka keskustan kaduilla. Kaikkialla mihin sähköavusteisella polkupyörällä pääsee. Kahvilan pyörittämiseen ei tarvitse virtaa, joten mahdollisuudet sijainnin puolesta ovat miltei rajattomat.

Tavoitteena on saada kerättyä 5000 Euroa pyörän kuntoon saattamiseksi. Runko on jo olemassa, kyseinen polkupyörä on Valion vanha jäätelöpyörä arkkupakastimineen. Rahaa tarvitaan rungon työstämiseen, sen sähköistämiseen, kahvilatarvikehankintoihin sekä peräkärryn rakentamiseen. Graafinen suunnittelija Timo Huutoniemi tulee suunnittelemaan kahvilan ulkoasun ja logon.

Katso Kahvila Spektaakkelin mainos alta!


Café On the Road

A couple of years ago I created Latte Café On the Road concept. The idea was simple: To bring tasty specialty coffee to all coffee lovers and also allowed people to come for a cheeky cup of something good and a soulful chat. In the same spirit as in Latte Café and Latte Gourmand in Turku. What we needed was a prototype of the bike.

It was a nice challenge and we managed to bring our concept to life. Our bike is more than just a coffee trike. It is a lifestyle, a way to improve leisure and freedom of choice. To meet people and serve our quality products on a street level and in city parks in order to create a good, lively vibe everywhere needed.

Café On the Road on the road! Helsinki & Turku 2015

Café On the Road on the road! Helsinki & Turku 2015

We can bring you that little something that could change your day. But we need to improve our concept with better logistics, and also a more sustainable source of energy for our on-the-road concept is needed.

The generator is questioning its existence.

The generator is questioning its existence.

Today we aim towards building more bikes and have our own logistic to be able to go towards people. We have not been able to respond to demands for the last couple of years (weddings, fairs, barbecue parties), as people are calling us for events and we cannot respond the demands that we are experiencing. This is mainly because we only have one bike so far and no solutions available for transporting them on longer distances. It is our ambition to build two to three more fully equipped coffee bikes and a find a way to transport them near and far.

From our bike we offer:

Ghetto Latte
Panama Twist
Hot chocolate
Chai Latte
Dirty Chai
Specialty Teas
Iced Coffee and Teas and much more…

So, we ask you to help us to reach our goals and become a part of creating good coffee experiences for everybody to enjoy.

Note! If the campaign doesn’t reach its’ minimum goal we will refund you. However, the Holvi payment service’s fee is subtracted from the funded sum (0.90 euros or credit card 0.90 euros + 3% funded sum).