Shava’s NEW album!

Shava is a unique group of five Finnish guys from Helsinki who started playing Bhangra, a fast, energetic type of dance music which has its roots in the villages of the Punjab region of northern India. Bhangra has become a major music phenomenon within the vast immigrant Punjabi populations all over the world. Shava has embraced this tradition which is both ancient and modern at the same time and made it their own. They have created a new tradition, a global Creole music which has its roots both in the soil of India as well as the concrete jungle of East-Helsinki.
Shava’s second studio album is due to be released in February 2015! Our crowdfunding campaign is primarily aimed at mixing and producing the album, and studio costs. Additional funding will be spent on music video production, marketing et cetera.

One of the songs on the album will be Onkimiehen bhangra which we released already a year ago. We think we did a fine job with the song. However, we feel that we need the extra punch and energy that professional production and mixing will bring. Basically we want that the energy of our live performances can be heard on the CD as well. Listen to our ”demo quality” release of Onkimehen bhangra from 2013 – it’s not bad at all, but we want to make our sound really stand out!

Video directed and edited by Ville Tanttu.


The recording musicians will be your Shava boys. Featured artists include Yona (FIN), Puspinder Kaur (IND), Runa Bahra (UK) and others TBA.
The album will be produced, mixed and recorded by Mikko Raita at e-studio and Studio Kekkonen in Helsinki, Finland as well as some overdubs in India.
Promotion and marketing will be done by Laura Kokkonen.


An approximation of what can be achieved with this campaign –
1 000 € – we can afford professional assistance for mixing the album
5 000 € – full album can be mixed and mastered professionally
10 000 € – full album can be produced, recorded, mixed and mastered professionally
15 000 € – full album can be produced, recorded, mixed and mastered professionally and we’ll have a budget for marketing the album & producing a professional quality music video
20 000€ – full album can be produced, recorded mixed and mastered professionally with more time spend at studio, overdubs, editing & mixing and we’ll have a budget for marketing the album & producing two professional quality music videos