Rocket Rollers bandin Elvis-levy


Olen Jouni Viirtala alias Big Jay V. Musiikkihistoriani aikana olen julkaissut jo 12 omakustannelevyä, tuomaroinut useita laulukilpailuita, soittanut lähemmäs tuhat keikkaa suomessa ja ulkomailla. Vedän lisäksi omaa jamiklubia Järvenpäässä ja olen mukana jokakesäisessä kauppatorin Cruising-tapahtumassa lead-artistina.

Nyt on tullut aika julkaista Elviksen tuotannosta edustava otos. Toivon että pystyt osallistumaan levyn tuotantokuluihin – vastineeksi voit valita itsellesi parhaiten sopivan vastikkeen listasta.

Elviksen musiikki on yksi osa-alue edustamistani musiikkityyleistä, omaa tuotantoa on myös tulossa myöhemmin ja jo kuunneltavissa esim. Spotifyssa.

Minimitavoitteella pystyn julkaisemaan levyn. Jos siitä päästään reippaasti yli, on myös mahdollista tehdä ja julkaista yksi tai useampi musiikkivideota.

Tervetuloa mukaan auttamaan levyn teossa, apuasi arvostetaan!

Order of the Living: Heartwards Vinyl

Heartwards is the debut album of the progressive rock band Order of the Living. The album was produced for many years and now it is finally ready. Jyväskylä-based independent record label Luova Records took the album under their wing and pressed a cd for promotion.

Our dream is to release Heartwards as a high-quality 12” vinyl LP. This campaign is built to support that aim. Also this campaign helps Luova Records to access their potential through financial support.

Heartwards is composed for the the vinyl format. Composer Jari-Matti Nurminen began the work for the album in December 2010. The album was given it’s final touches in the summer of 2015.

The vinyl format has been brought into the actual structure of the music. The first two tracks form the first half of the album. The second track “Heartwards” ends harmonically to the opening bass line of the first track “Language Hive”. The opening song of the secong half “Transformation” begins with a guitar line that takes it’s rhythm from the final passages of “Heartwards”, but the harmony is now transformed. This planned detail in the musical structure is in deep connection to the general concept of the album. The album projects a process of transformation; a change of state toward a more conscious way of being a human being.

Order of the Living is about to activate as a live group as well. Tickets to the concert are sold exclusively in this campaign. The concert will be held at the Pekka Ervast -temple in Jyväskylä. Few songs from the debut will be heard in the concert but the direction is towards new musical dimensions.

Order of the Living has been previously performing the classic minimalistic piece “In C” (1964) by Terry Riley. New material combines influences from this experience with elements from 80’s progressive rock, kosmische music and from more recent waves. The concert will be a fresh combination of meditativity, top-notch musicianship and catchy pop elements.

Support our journey and help us make this dream come true!

There are many interesting possibilities in the rewards section, through which you can find yourself delving into unique musical experiences. By supporting this campaign you support a generation of new artists who take their work kindly serious.

Make music, not war

My name is Mikko Keinonen. I’m a Finnish film director and culture enthusiast and I represent a group of people who want to help our friends in Ukraine in their artistic work.

Twelve years ago I got in my hands a demo by the Ukrainian rock group Myortvye Grushi (Dead Pears) and I was impressed and delighted by its quality and fresh creativity. After some unlikely incidents I ended up releasing their first album year 2004, because they weren’t mainstream enough to get a contract in their home country.

Now, eleven years later, Myortvye Grushi needs help again and I’ve gathered some of my fellow artists to support them.

Myortvye Grushi is preparing a new release but this time they have more obstacles than just a lack of a record company. Both their home town, Luhansk, and the location of their recording studio, Gorlovka, have become a warzone. Last summer two members of the trio, bassist-singer Vadim Zharikov and the guitar player Eduard Ivanov spent both six weeks in a cellar because of the bombings. They left Luhansk as soon as it was safe to move outside. The drummer Igor Mishenko didn’t wait for the bombs to fall but he left the country to protect his family.

Now Vadim and Ed are back home and they are continuing their art work with a new drummer. They are determined to finish their new album – or at least an EP – but it’s not an easy thing to do when you live in an area which is a constant target of bombs and granades.

We’ve started this campaign in order to support Myortvye Grushi to finish their newest release, Komiks tshesti. We are collecting money for the band so that they can pay for the studio in Ukraine, make their living through the recording process and have their new songs mixed in a Finnish studio.

In order to turn Myortvye Grushi’s art into cash we are making a re-release of their first album, Vily v bok! (2004) and their two latter albums Triobodrenza (2006) and Pod Vesyolim Rogerom kulturi (2011). We are arranging also a tour in Finland in May (dates and venues will be released in a few weeks).

Please help Mjortvye Grushi make their new album. Let’s make Ukraine also something else than just bad news.

If you want to get more taste of the music, please visit:

Chaos – The Deepest Trenches demon painatus

Chaos on lupaava Varkaudessa 2011 perustettu kolmipäinen metalliorkesteri, joka on lyhyen olemassaolonsa aikana nauhoittanut omatoimisesti kuuden kappaleen pituisen Chaoslifter EP:n, soittanut toistakymmentä keikkaa ympäri Suomea sekä nauhoittanut Fireproof-nimisen demon Studio Avarialla Virroilla. Bändin ensimmäinen tarinallinen pitkäsoitto on suurelta osin sävelletty, mutta vielä sitä ennen yhtye suuntaa studioon lyhyemmän kolmen biisin kokonaisuuden kanssa. Loka-marraskuun aikana työstettävä demo ristitään nimellä The Deepest Trenches. Demon julkaisun yhteydessä haluamme myös kokeilla yhteisörahoitusta ja päästää pienen mutta innokkaan kannattajajoukkomme tukemaan toimintaamme!

The Deepest Trenches -demon kolme kappaletta ovat keskenään täysin erilaisia, ja jokainen edustaa osaltaan uudenlaista tyylillistä aluevaltausta bändin repertuaarissa. Olemme kehittyneet niin soittajina, laulajina, säveltäjinä kuin sanoittajinakin, ja yhtyeen oma leima on uusissa kappaleissa entistä paremmin kuultavissa. Myös uuteen soittokalustoon on sijoitettu, joten yhtyen soundimaailma on kokenut uudistuksen.

Mielestämme yhteisörahoitus ja kaltainen palvelu on positiivinen ilmiö, sillä sen kautta tavallisella ihmisellä on mahdollisuus vaikuttaa siihen, millaista taidetta nykyään julkaistaan. Enää ei artistien tarvitse olla suurten, kasvottomien, kaupallista massaa suoltavien levy-yhtiöiden armoilla! Meille Keijoille on siis periaatteellisesti tärkeää kuulua mesenaattiin ja tarvitsemmekin juuri sinun apuasi!

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