20,000 Trees to Somalia

Kuva Mesenaattiin

What is our aim?

Forest is a source of economic and environmental wealth, but also a source of psychological and physical well-being. Trees have a proven positive impact on people’s health and well-being in general. When the first Somalis arrived to Finland in the beginning of 1990 many of them were impressed by the clean nature and forests that are found everywhere in Finland.

Today 26 years later the Somali community living in Finland wants to give the same source of wealth and well-being for the people in their homeland. They will plant 20,000 trees to three regions in Somalia – Gedo, Jubaland and Galmudug – where people are severely affected by poverty, desertification, lack of grazing land, unemployment, and unbalanced diet.

This campaign is a part of a larger environmental project which aims to ease the life of over 100,000 people suffering from drought.
The trees will be planted on people’s yards, school yards and public places to fight desertification and to improve the quality of soil for the benefit of both humans and animals. The fruit trees, such as mango and guava trees, also enrich people’s diets and form comfortable meeting places by providing shade. The project also provides environmental education. In the long run this improves the prerequisites for peace as people learn to cooperate over the traditional geographical and clan lines. Green living environment brings hope for the future and improves means of livelihood providing people an opportunity to support themselves in their domicile.

How will these funds be used?

Suitable tree species have been tested for two years in environmental centers established by Finnish Somalis. The funds raised through the crowdfunding campaign will be used for seeds, nursing seedlings, irrigation, tools and environmental education. Every tree will be assigned a caregiver, who will take responsibility for the caring of the tree. Also, environmental education classes are arranged in schools and children are given tree seedlings to be planted on their home yards and local volunteers will assist in caring for them.

Donation options:
•5 € – We plant five trees in school yards and home yards of school children and  arrange an environmental education class in the school.
•10 €  – We acquire 400 litres of water for irrigation at the nursery and cover the expenses of the growing of the tree seedlings.
•15 €  – We provide a drought stricken family a stove that uses less wood than the traditional ones.
•25 €  – We provide training, lunch and travel expenses for our tree planting volunteer.
•30 €  – We buy a shovel, a wheelbarrow and other tools for the nursery.
•50 €  – We organize a lesson on caring of trees and protecting the environment in a primary school. Each pupil will also be given a tree seedling.

When will the project begin?

Environmental education and growing of the tree seedlings is currently under way. The aim is to plant the seedlings in the autumn 2016 which is the beginning of the rain season. You can follow the progress of the project at www.somaliaverkosto.fi/kehitysyhteistyo/20000puutasomaliaan, where we will post pictures, videos and more information about the project. You can also follow the campaign on our Facebook group www.facebook.com/somaliaverkosto.

Why right now?

The climate change and the exceptionally strong El Niño effect this year is worsening the drought in Somalia. This affects significantly the food security in the East Africa where total of 25 million people rely on food aid and the numbers are expected to increase. The poor living conditions are a key factor that drive many young people to seek better life in Europe despite the dangers that lie on the way. These people should be supported at home, in their native environments in the fragile states. They cannot wait any longer, so we need to take the action now.

With 20,000 trees we will bring stability for over 100,000 people. Make this dream real with us and take part in the campaign today!

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