Horisontissa Kreeta

Moni suomalainen tuntee Kreetan saaren – joko valokuvista tai siellä vietetyistä lomista. Saari kätkee sisälleen kuitenkin monia yllätyksiä, jotka ovat uusia myös Kreetan hyvin tuntevalle matkailijalle. Saarella on vielä lukemattomia kertomattomia tarinoita ja uskomattomia elämyksiä tarjottavanaan.

Astu sivuun päätieltä, hyppää kyytiin ja anna meidän kuljettaa sinut saaren mahtavimpien paikkojen ja fiilisten luo.

Kreeta on paljon muutakin kuin Hanian vilkas kaupunkielämä ja Elafonisin upeat hiekkarannat, vaikka nekin tarjoavat matkaajalle monenlaisia elämyksiä. Euroopan ensimmäisen korkeakulttuurin syntysijoilla on täysin omanlaisensa elämänrytmi, luonto ja ilmapiiri. Horisontissa Kreeta tuo esille saaren helmet tunnetuimpien turistikohteiden ulkopuolelta – aitoina ja autenttisina.

Suomen suurin Kreeta-sivusto Kreeta.info ja tuotantoyhtiö Helomedia toteuttavat yhteistyössä sarjan, joka tuo saaren tunnelman ja kauneuden käsinkosketeltavasti kotisohvalle. Kreeta.info -sivuston perustajan Juhani Viitasen tietotaito ja kokemus Kreetan-matkailusta yhdistettynä Helomedia Oy:n ainutlaatuiseen ammattitaitoon antaa puitteet mahtavalle katselukokemukselle. Osallistumalla joukkorahoitukseen pääset näkemään sarjan netissä ensimmäisenä.

Sarjassa etsitään Kreetan sydäntä, fiilistä ja kokemuksia tavallisen, mutta seikkailunhaluisen matkailijan silmin. Jokainen jakso keskittyy yhden kaupungin lähistöön ja sitä ympäröivään maakuntaan. Horisontissa Kreeta esittelee katsojalleen niitä näkemisen ja kokemisen arvoisia kohteita, paikkoja ja elämyksiä, joita ei muuten osaisi etsiäkään.

Lähde mukaan ja löydä legendaarinen saari uudelleen. Valitse vastikkeesi ja ota horisonttiisi Kreeta! Vastikkeissa on valikoima paketteja, joihin vain ja ainoastaan te joukkorahoittajat pääsette yksinoikeudella käsiksi. Sarja julkaistaan osissa Kreeta.info -sivustolla, mutta mesenaatit saavat sarjan kokonaisuudessaan nähtäväksi ensimmäisinä heti sarjan valmistuttua.

Joukkorahoituskampanjalla rahoitetaan vain sarjan toteuttaminen eikä mitään sen ulkopuolisia kuluja tai palkkioita. Tukesi menee kokonaisuudessaan Horisontissa Kreeta -sarjan toteuttamiseen, mahdollistaen sarjan käsikirjoituksen, kuvauksen, leikkauksen sekä jälkityöt.

The Berth Chronicles Flight of the Gryphons


The Goal

The initial goal is to create a proof of concept for a future web-series. A trailer created from the existing script for the pilot episode. To show viewers and backers that this can be done and then with the excitement and intrigue we raise from that we move onto seeking backing for the actual pilot. The cast and crew aren’t receiving and wages. We our a very international team (Americans, British, Estonians and of course Finns) and the actual language of the series will be English. Everyone is taking part because they believe 100% in the project. But we do have to costume 10 principal actors and lots of extras, props and equipment; there’s fight rehearsals, there’s mouths to feed and locations to secure. Simply put, to make a high quality, thrilling, intriguing, action-filled fantasy web series, we definitely need your help.



For all friends of fantasy there isn’t that much serious fantasy entertainment out there. There are more than enough books and games, sure, but films or TV-series… not so much. We’re all familiar with Peter Jackson’s LOTR trilogy and now the new Hobbit trilogy. Also the Narnia series of films (which started out great but quickly went the way of Hollywood producer ugliness). As for TV there’s the ever popular Game of Thrones. Other than that… Nothing much comes to mind. It seems that fantasy is a genre that, though popular amongst viewers, isn’t very popular amongst producers or… it’s simply a genre that after the success of Jackson and his LOTR, they have a monopoly over the fantasy genre and others are daunted to tackle it.

We, however, are ready to tackle it. With the Berth Chronicles we believe that we have an interesting take on the fantasy genre that will interest fantasy fans. More important than visual effects and multi-million dollar budgets we believe that we have the most important ingredient: Story. The land of Berth has a vast and rich history. Every character, city and race has their own detailed history. Everything is thought out and connected. The character’s only role is just not to appear and swing their sword for swinging sakes.

The Story


The land of Berth is populated by all manner of fantasy beings. Everything from Fauns to Centaurs to Elves, Dwarves and Orques (Yes, that’s how we spell it. Originating from the old English word for foreigners). The only

thing that Berth does not have is humans. They are things of legends and myths. The Elves of Berth can be compared to the western cultures of our own history. Throughout the ages they have conquered most of the lands of Berth. -All ruled by the northern elves of Ironpeak. All other races, except those of the dwarves are either slaves (as the Fauns, centaurs and minotaur) or enemies of the elves. The one race that has defied them for generations are the tribes of the Orques. The Orques of Berth are not the brutish, mindless savages we’ve come to know them as through other media. They are beings of a rich culture and civilization. They could be compared to pretty much any aboriginal or indigenous tribe that has fought with the western civilizations of our own history. Most have been considered wild savages that kill for no more reason than killing until the real truth has been revealed. The truth that they were only defending their land and own civilization. The Orques were once spread across Berth before the elves came, but have been slowly diminished into small tribes in unmapped territories to the east.


Now, after generations of war, peace is on the doorstep. That’s where are story begins. On the eve of a historical peace treaty the elf king gives an order that will forever prevent any chance for peace. The shamans of one of the more savage Orque tribes awaken an ancient evil that is more than a match for any elven army. Their only hope are the legendary Gryphon Riders of Berth. They once flew the skies protecting Berth but have long ago been dispersed by the elven king as a threat to the throne. Now Mithiña the widowed daughter-in-law of the king must set out with her daughter Meriath, son Joshua and her old dwarven friend Ambassador Xulian and his group of dwarven bodyguards to make their way through the dangerous land of Berth in hopes of finding the legendary Gryphons.


Your help is needed.

What if we receive more than our initial budget? First and foremost we’ll pay the actors and crew. If we receive even more, we’ll go straight on to make the pilot and that would be absolutely great! Spread the word. The success of this campaign and the series depends on getting as many people to notice and interested as possible.  Follow our official website at http://www.berth-online.net/ , like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/berthonline and of course share this Mesenaatti page!
