Miehiä virralla 2016

Miehiä Virralla is a calendar that has yet to be seen.

It’s an entirety that has been shot at Siuntiojoki during four seasons. The purpose is to bring forth the nowaday-hecticness and technological development that has suppressed the state of mind of the Finnish man.

One picture tells a lot, and a story that pours scorch smoke and wintertime log fire doesn’t need explaining. It’s a state of mind that’s part of the genome of every Finn. It’s the one thing that unites everyone in this country and its relentless nature.

With this financial campaign we finance the marketing and recording of our nature movie Joen Lumo. You can find more information (in Finnish only) about Joen Lumo -movie from our previous Mesenaatti.me campaign Joen Lumo and the film’s homepage.
