Make a Nordic campaign

Do you think your campaign might attract funders also from other Nordic countries? From the 1st of February onwards it is possible to chose a Nordic level campaign in Mesenaatti. Your campaign shall be shown also on our four partner platforms in Finland, Norway, Denmark and Iceland. In addition, your campaign shall also be linked to a joint Nordic Crowdfunding Alliance -website.

Our partners are commited to promote Nordic campaigns in their own countries, and, for example, on their Facebook pages. You can also yourself use the links of your campaign on these websites to target people in those countries in your marketing.

Nordic campaigns should be presented in English, plus another language of your choice. The English presentation will be shown to the users who use Mesenaatti in English and the other language version to those using Mesenaatti in Finnish.


Select Nordic campaign in the campaign presentation form when creating a crowdfunding campaign. Fill in the presentation form in your chosen language, Finnish or other. When the presentation is ready sent the English versions of all of the texts to us at 

Design your rewards so that at least some of them can be delivered to other Nordic countries and possibly elsewhere beyong your home country; and make sure their price includes the delivery costs. 

Nordic level campaigns are offered to you by the Nordic Crowfunding Alliance.

All Nordic campaigns are to be found here.
